Grape To Glass - It starts in the vineyard
We make more Pinot Noir than any other grape variety and our White Label Pinot is the hero of our Pinots. We have been following the production of our 2023 Pinot since harvest and documenting its progress in our ‘Grape to Glass’ series seen on social media.
Our White Label Pinot Noir comes from the Willowlake Vineyard in Gladysdale. The climate here is significantly cooler than in the lower parts of the Yarra Valley which allows for a slow, even ripening of Pinot Noir. There is nothing Pinot hates more than spikes of heat as it means sugar is accumulated more rapidly but the flavour has yet to develop. Rob has been working with Willowlake Vineyard for nearly 3 decades and we believe it is one of the best vineyards in the Yarra Valley.
Our 2023 White Label Pinot Noir grapes were hand harvested between the 20th and 26th of March. The grapes were all hand harvested. Hand harvesting ensures we can make a selection of harvest of the best bunches and leave any damaged bunches on the vine. It also means there is no juice expressed which protects the flavours of the grape during transport to the winery.
Most of the hard work is done in the vineyard but our winery team do weave their magic once the grapes arrive. More of this later in our ‘Grape to Glass’ series.
In the meantime, why not buy some 2021 White Label Pinot Noir to taste the magic yourself? The 2021 is drinking beautifully at the moment.
- Meg Brodtmann MW